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Hypnotherapy by Amy

Hypnotherapy is similar to an extremely relaxing guided meditation with a goal.  Together we will enter into your subconscious mind and begin the process of inner healing.

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Hypnotherapy by Amy

Become the best version of yourself

If you have a personal, emotional or habitual problem that’s preventing you from performing at your best, Hypnotherapy by Amy can help. A highly recommended licensed Social Worker and certified Hypnotherapist in Houston area, Amy has been assisting clients overcome their obstacles and challenges since 2000 in the Social Work field, and now in the Hypnotherapy field since 2021.

Topics I can cover with my Hypnotherapy are:

Attitude Of Prosperity


Become a Money Magnet

Debt Free Mindset

Release Your Money Blocks

Be More Frugal

Cell Phone Addiction

Overcoming Internet Addiction

Overcome Coffee Addiction

Overcome Envy

Overcome Fear Of Intimacy

Overcome Perfectionism

Overcome Road Rage

Overcome Shopping Addiction

Overcome Shyness

Overcome Video Game Addiction

Quit Eating Meat

Quit Smoking

Quit Social Media

Stop Being Hard On Yourself

Stop Blushing

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Stop Nail Biting

Stop Texting While Driving

Stop Skin Picking

Stop Stuttering

Stop Taking Things Personally

Be More Frugal

Charge What Your Worth

Debt Free Mindset

Start Your Own Business

Always Do Your Best

Astral Projection

Connect with your Physical, Emotional, Intellectual & Spiritual Parts of Being

Be More Charismatic

Be More Humble

Body Positivity

Connect With Spirit Guides

Don’t Be Ashamed

Forgiving Your Parents

Getting Rid of Mental Clutter


Have an Open Mind

Healing From Heartache

Hypnosis for Confidence

Learn To Meditate

Let Go Of Grudges

Let Go of Physical and Emotional Baggage

Letting Go of Regrets

Living Your Dreams

Pranayama Breathing

Say What You Mean

Unleash Your Creativity

Driving Panic Attacks

Fear Of Flying

Overcome Fear Of Snakes

Overcome Fear Of Career Change

Breathing Through Childbirth

IVF Anxiety Relief

Ease First Trimester Symptoms

Achieve Your Healthy Weight

Boost Your Energy

Eat Healthy

Exercise More

Feel More Youthful

Instant Energy Boost

Think Positively About Exercise

Reducing Hot Flashes

Relax Instantly

Bereavement Hypnosis

Don’t Be Ashamed

Manage ADD and ADHD

Manage PTSD Symptoms

Quiet the Mind

Reduce Stress For Caregivers

Seasonal Depression

Sleep Hypnosis For Anxiety

Sleep Hypnosis For Depression


Cancer Recovery

Healing From Breast Cancer

Migraine Relief


Reduce PMS Symptoms

Reducing Hot Flashes

Gentle Parenting

Letting Go Of Parenting Guilt

Single Parenting

Always Do Your Best

Be More Charismatic

Be Organized

Getting Rid Of Clutter

Improve Listening Skills

Mental Blocks

Overcome Writer's Block

Quiet the Mind

Set and Keep Goals

Speed Reading

Unleash Your Creativity

Attract Real Love

Be More Romantic

Confidence for Dating

Forgiving Your Parents

Heal From Divorce

Increase Social Circle

Move on From Toxic Relationships

Sleep Well

Power Nap

Sleep Hypnosis For Depression

Sleep Hypnosis For Anxiety

Stop Having Nightmares

Sweet Dreams

Sports Performance

Exercise More

Improving Sport Performance

Improve Your Golf Game

Weight Gain Hypnosis (body builder)

Weight Loss

Achieve Your Healthy Weight

Binge Eating

Body Positivity

Eat Healthy

Hypnosis For Overeating

Lose Weight While You Sleep

Stick To Your Diet

When you consult with Hypnotherapy by Amy, she will facilitate a process that allows for your own self-mastery, enabling you to gain insight and heal yourself. Don’t wait - reach out today and take the first steps towards your new life.

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What People Say

All I can say about my session was that I was BLOWN AWAY! I came into it without any expectations at all, but it was really deep and meaningful. And I heard myself answering questions in a very insightful way. More insightful than I am on a regular basis. Ready for my next session. But still benefiting from my first.

S. W.

I had my 1st hypnotherapy session. If you've been following along, you know I've been extraordinarily emotional lately. Well, the experience left me completely shocked at how much it helped me in the mere hour it lasted. Am I "fixed"? No, of course not. LOL Am I done with the work I have to do on myself? HELL NO! LOL But this was like no other therapy I've ever experienced - whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual - it was in a category of its own; it spoke to all four of those beings in me. I highly recommend it if you haven't tried it. Everyone has their own personal experiences and outcomes with it. Mine was that I bawled for the rest of the day.
Ha! But, for all the right reasons.
There was this girl in high school who I didn't know too well because we hung out in different circles until we both went on an all-girls senior trip to Europe. Despite not being close friends, she was always so kind to me in high school, always with a sweet smile and happy "hello", and never anything bad to say about anyone. Becoming friends with her on that trip confirmed everything that I had thought about her. She was an incredible human being, always making us laugh, making sure we were okay, and always kind. Well, she ended up being a school counselor, a social worker, and I'm certain many other things that I missed out on in the years we lost touch. So, since high school, her heart was always set up to help others in some way - any way she could. This beautiful quality has now become her passion and calling in life. She helps others for a living. She helped me on Monday, when I needed it most, as she was my hypnotherapist. Don't you love full circles?
I suggest trying hypnotherapy with her first. She does virtual and In Person Houston sessions
(your home or her office)!

N. V.

I had an amazing experience with Amy! We focused on my goals and I was able to put my new found sense of self to the test that very same day and I was very pleased with myself! 10/10!! I highly recommend Amy if you are ready to look deeper into yourself to help make yourself the best version of yourself.

M. E.

It was super relaxing and it helps you get better at things.  It made me feel more confident!  It was nice, I liked it!

L. T. (11 year old)

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“Difficulties are just things to overcome, after all.”

Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton

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